Saturday, January 21, 2006

' CHAIR ' on Glass. III.

Here's a photograph of three large glass painting's, each was 7ft by 3ft. The paint was applied and then removed, and had a different view from the reverse side of each painting.
They are all painting's of a chair that belonged to my Grandmother. Many people would come and sit in the chair, just because it was so comfortable.
I used to draw and paint it's occupant's, some stayed longer than other's. I painted these images when I was 18 at Southend Art School.
I wish this photograph was better quality, I really liked these paintings, but I'm not sure that they survived. Glass is really nice to paint on.
Hope you like the 'chair' paintings on glass, GMaS.


Blogger Justin Kreutzmann said...

hey Mikey, that painting is beyond cool.

it's like sand painting in terms of putting art on a form not built to last. Very cool indeed.

Saturday, January 21, 2006  
Blogger elena said...

I love them, Mikey, fantastic...

Saturday, January 21, 2006  
Blogger Kevin Seegan said...

Wow, those are awesome. I would have never thought about painting glass. GMAS.


Saturday, January 21, 2006  
Blogger Tom Pratt said...

Wow! Your glass painting triptych is very cool Mikey. The way that you are able to work with so many different materials and surfaces and do them all so well, is just amazing.

I especially like the way that the chair is empty, then contains a person who is only halfway there, and then a person who is shadowy but seems complete. You can also "read" it from the other direction as if the person is slowly disappearing.

I also really like the idea of a song that features Punk Boy and a Whale. Can't wait to hear what you do with it.



Saturday, January 21, 2006  
Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

YIPPIE you put up more art. VERY cool and on Glass too, I love it!

I can tell you have a lot of feeling in these paintings from the choise of placement where you viewed the chair. When one loks down on somthing it is usually with affection. And obviously this is affection lol. Do you remember who the subjects in the chair are?

Where do you house these paintings now?

Have a fab weekend! I know I will :)


Saturday, January 21, 2006  
Blogger Dale said...

Dear Mikey

From what I can see, those are very interesting paintings. I like the middle panel.

Painting or drawing an image, & then being able to see it from the under or reverse view, is fascinating.
It could be considered similar to being able to use both sides of our brain equally - or, similarly, "thinking outside the box."

Oh, my... while writing this, I'm having an environmental talk with my 8-year old daughter's friend.

It concerns the impact a proposed new ski resort will have on an ecologically fragile eco-system in our area.

Ouch! I've been riding the fence for a long time on this.
And those fence posts are becoming uncomfortable...

Take care.

Saturday, January 21, 2006  
Blogger Elaine said...

That is amazing. I love it.

Saturday, January 21, 2006  
Blogger Rich Greiner said...

I like your music and it must be cool to hang around with Mr. Townshend. You are a fortunate and talented young musician. Hope to see you in the U.S.

Sunday, January 22, 2006  
Blogger Rich Greiner said...

And Rachel too, I do love her music.

Sunday, January 22, 2006  
Blogger Rose said...


These paintings are quite well done. I'm impressed. With all of the rigging in the background it almost has a cubist effect. I like the minimalist treatment of the figures and the chair, as well. Cool!


Sunday, January 22, 2006  
Blogger AndyW said...

Those are excellent.


Sunday, January 22, 2006  
Blogger lryicsgrl said...

I love the paintings on glass.
Where are they? You've any idea?
If you ever have time again, you could think about reproducing this.
Thanks for sharing the art again.
BTW, LOVE the new song!

Sunday, January 22, 2006  
Blogger neilbymouth said...

Hi Mikey, im a lurker of your blog - this painting is ace, what paint did you use to do them? I tried using glass paint once but could never get an even finish. Have a look at my blog, think it may interest you,

cheers Mikey,

Sunday, January 22, 2006  
Blogger JLee said...

love love love!! very cool...a musician AND an artist..excellent.

Sunday, January 22, 2006  
Blogger Amanda and SuperAmanda™ said...

I've never seen anything like these in all my gallery going experience including following my mum around the University California at Berkeley when she majored there in art. Just amazing. Hope theya re recovered someday :)

Monday, January 23, 2006  
Blogger musicmikey said...

Hey, thanks everyone, I should have mentioned this in the blog really; The paintings on glass, use emulsion(white) paint, and normal artist oil paints, the paint can be laid on, and then scratched off with a palette knife. Many artist's have already painted on glass, Picasso for one.
I loved the greater sense of light, and being able to remove area's completely.
I have no photograph's of the reverse side, which is very unfortunate. And new to the nature of the material, I remember one painting at least broke in two being transported, and that was nearly fifteen years ago, I'm not holding out much hope.
Hope this answer's any queries, thanks for all your comments here, take care all,

Monday, January 23, 2006  
Blogger WendyCity Productions said...

Hi Mikey,

I really, really like the glass painting. Have you continued using this medium in your artwork? It's so unique! Hope all is well with you and your's on across the pond!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006  
Blogger Nabonidus said...

Wow, this is rad! I wish you did have a pic with the reverse side, I do admit.
But the photo of this one came out just fine,IMO. xoxoLisa

Wednesday, January 25, 2006  

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