Monday, October 24, 2005

My Indonesian Journal 1991, has begun

For those of you who were interested, I have begun my Indoenesian journal today. As I said before, it starts on 24th October 1991 so today, 14 years to the day, my new blog begins.

Here is the link:

It is also in my 'Links' on the left, if you want to check it out.
It would be great to hear what you think, give me a shout!



Blogger psychedelic butterfly said...

hey mikey, just read the first post of your journal, think its really good idea, can't wait to read more!
charlotte x

Monday, October 24, 2005  
Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

Hey Mikey....check out my uber cool blog! It has all sorts of goodies!! Oh and new pics of Art! (Gotta have the art)

I have a chat medium I am testing in there for another business site. Maybe that would be cool for people to hang out in while watching so we can giggle together!

Anyway I will read your new blog later. I am excited for you!


Monday, October 24, 2005  
Blogger musicmikey said...

Thanks Charlotte, its funny for me to read it back too, glad you like it.x
Hi Molly, checked out your uber cool blog, and it is. The chat thing sounds like a good idea, keep up with the good work.
Hi Wayne, the next 'in the Attic' will be Wednesday at midnight til two. I'll talk to Rachel about the idea of dressing up in costumes, thanks mate, see you on wednesday.

Monday, October 24, 2005  
Blogger lryicsgrl said...

You are the best! Hugs to you!
I really wanted your opin on "blog behavior".
But your input to my answer of need was PERFECT.
I probably should have asked for her favorite "aroma", like jasmine, vanilla etc.
Once again you showed me what a good soul you have by stopping by.
I'm on my way to indonesia so ta ta!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005  
Blogger Karel said...

Hey, apa kabar hari ini Mikey?
Looking forward to "In The Attic" this Wednesday. It's so kind of you guys to have an episode at 12AM over there just so we can watch here in the states. Please send my love to Rachel and everybody else.

I'm crossing my fingers; hopefully nothing else important will come up and I can actually watch the show live, first time in a while.

Happy day, Mikey.

p.s. the picture Cat Stevens took looks gorgeous...

Tuesday, October 25, 2005  
Blogger musicmikey said...

Hi Lzygrl, no problem, I hope you enjoy Indonesia.
Hi Karel, saya harap kamu biset, I never learnt the proper way to spell Indonesian, but I speak it better, I'll show you on wednesday. Thankyou for your lovely compliments. By the way, when I first got to Indonesia, I didn't like chillies, or dorian, and I only smoked western cigerettes. But everything changed, and I fell in love with everything Indonesian, even the toilets. Speak soon mate.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo mikey were home yippee!! and back to rainy old manchester!!. i have seen youre first installment of your travells and im lovin it already. maybe you could become a great philosopher like sir walter raleigh. and your journal will be famous!!! (ok im letting my imagination run away with me again.) im looking forward for who tv tomoz in my jammies!!. now i just need to know when i could see last weeks who episode today could you tell me!! please
gotta go seeya later honey
a very tanned Lucy (tammy girl)

Tuesday, October 25, 2005  
Blogger Model citizen said...

Haha Mikey, I've now linked your blog from mine. Welcome to the club!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005  
Blogger Karel said...

Sweeeet..I'm all pumped up now to hear you speak Indonesian. I'm gonna be all smily in this computer lab by myself.

You like durian, Mikey? Wow, hebat!! You're so cool, man. Well, I don't want to get into durian too far. I'm sure you have a great introduction to durian in your journal for everybody. Looking forward to that.. =D

Sampai hari Rabu, Mikey.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005  
Blogger Justin Kreutzmann said...

After reading your Blog I'm going to have to go to the place of hard spelling you speak of.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005  
Blogger Model citizen said...

I want to hangglide from the Petronas Towers!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005  
Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

Thanks Mikey for the comment on my blog. Yes that chat thing is pretty cool. I tested it out yesterday for about a half hour but have not been back since. You would think I should not post it with how busy I am, but hey maybe someone can fiddle around with it so I will just leave it up!

Good luck playing your music on the show tomorrow. I am introducing one of my best friends locally to it since you will be airing it in the evening and on the loop! We will be sending in pictures of us to rachel's eelpie addy to view!


Tuesday, October 25, 2005  
Blogger Mark T said...

All the best for In The Attic tomorrow. Have fun!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005  
Blogger musicmikey said...

Hi Lucy, I'm glad you liked it, I think Raleigh was an explorer, but thankyou very much. See you tomorrow, take care.
Hi Jessica, thanks for the link thingy, glad your liking the blog, speak to you soon.
Hi Karel, glad to know your smiling, if it wasn't for you, I probably wouldn't have done my new blog, tremakasi Karel, kamu toman.
Hi Justin, what do you mean mate?
Hi Jessica, you certainly are adventurous, when do you want to do that, make sure you take safety precautions as well.
Good, but what's an addy? I may sound stupid. Anyway thanks for your support, and I hope you enjoy the show tomorrow, in your pj's.
Hi Mark, thanks mate, catch us on the loop. All the best.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005  
Blogger Johanna in Paradise said...

I am enjoying reading your Indonesia-trip-blog.

Johanna in Vista

Sunday, October 30, 2005  

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